Halloween was wet and nasty. The temperature rose to about 56 degrees and the snow began to melt. It was pretty mild but there was snow, slush, and puddles of water everywhere.
I think it was the best day of my son’s two year life - from his perspective. I had to fight him to put the costume on. But after he got his first piece of candy he was walking with his bucket in hand giggling, he literally giggled the whole time. Just walking and giggling with excitement. This was his first time going trick or treating and I don’t allow him to eat candy.
Of course he has had candy before. If he finds a piece in the house he will sprint as far away from me as possible and eat it. He also gets the occasional piece of candy from my husband who doesn’t listen to me when I tell him not give the kids too much junk food.
My husband is a junk food junkie.
By the end of the night he was trying to say trick or treat. He didn't say it right but you could tell he was trying to say it. When we got home he just kept opening and tasting and giggling.
Believe it or not my son doesn’t really like candy. He just tastes most of it. I think he thinks that he is supposed want it. My four-year old is the same way, she always asks for sweets although she doesn’t like them. Sometimes I just give them to her because I know that she won’t eat whatever it is.
My son was in hog heaven. I have never seen him so happy in his whole life. Candy must be some good stuff, even though he did more opening and licking than eating.
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