One day my then 7 year old daughter and I were watching CNN.
They had a story about a study involving lesbians. Our conversation:
Her: What’s a lesbian?
Me: You know how girls like boys and ladies like
men? Well a lesbian is when girls like girls and not boys or ladies like
Her: Mom, I am not a lesbian.
Me: Ok.
It was during this conversation that I realized how hate and
intolerance could be taught to innocent children. Although, I don't believe in tolerance. I believe that people should accept others for who they are, whether one disagrees or not.
Recently she told me that there is a boy at school that
likes to sometimes make everyone laugh by dressing as a girl at school during
Me: Is he playing or does he just like to dress
like a girl?
Her: He is just playing around.
Me: If he is not playing you better not be mean
to him because he likes to dress up. Do
you understand me?
Her: Yes Mom.
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