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    « YES WE CAN | Main | My Father Died of AIDS »

    November 11, 2008


    Heidi Rafferty

    This was beautiful and thought provoking tonight. Thanks for the book recommendation. Im checking it out!


    A piece of The Prophet was read at my oldest sons naming ceremony...just beautiful.


    Im going to read this book...thank you


    My mom introduced me to The Prophet when I was young, and quoted it often. She still quotes whole passages from it. I think she has memorized the whole thing. We were recently talking about family and the holidays, and I was apologizing for wanting to stay close to home with my own children and husband. She said not to be sorry, and recited the passage you wrote above. Since I've become a mother, she recites me that passage often. My girls are only 1 and 3, and sometimes I get sad because they're growing up so quickly and will be soon shedding their mother to embark on the world.

    Mocha Dad

    I first read this book in college. Since then, I have purchased all of his writings. I still give The Prophet as gifts.

    Mahogany Chic

    @Heidi Rafferty Thanks for reading the post.

    @Dee It is very beautiful. I have a girlfriend that read this book as a teenager in Honduras.

    @Chap It is a good book.

    @BrooklynShoebabe I had to remind myself of the passage when I said that my son can stay with me forever.

    @Mocha Dad That is a good idea.


    I love that!!!! So often in life we push our children to become what we want them to be and we forget that they have thier own thoughts, dreams, desires, and aspirations. We have to let them be who they are going to be. I'm going to check that book out. Thanks for the recommendation 8-)

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