Motivation and needs were discussed in one of my classes; I realize that I have a need for achievement. I grew up in inner-city housing projects that were ridden with crime. Most people did not graduate from high school and it was very rare for someone to become successful. Growing up I watched my father and other family members over dose on drugs and attended several funerals. Shootings, robberies, and death were a constant part of my life. In high school I realized that I wanted a different way of life. I joined the Army while I was still in high school but did not understand the gravity of how bad my life had been until several years later. I then began to feel an inadequacy without education. Even after I graduated with a bachelor's degree, I did not feel that I achieved enough. I do not believe that an undergraduate degree is an achievement, for me. When I learned that I had to leave my other graduate program because my family and I were moving I became depressed until I found another program. Moving to an area that did not have a graduate school really affected me; being stagnant was not an option. I really believe that sometimes our past experiences determine our needs.
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